Corricare Objectives

Your Target Audience and Market
1. Clinics or Assisted Home living to use Corricare Business Software
2.For elderly Consumers that wants freedom of lifestyle but needs “next of kin” to be alerted if a fall is detected. Use Corricare Home

The Problem Faced
Most doctors resist to transform to cloud transformation technologies and depend on the basics of paper and hardcopy reports.
Doctors / nurses don’t want to change
They are still sceptical about depending on cloud technologies to support their business in an organized business process
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Assisted living and homes resist to upgrade to have a 24/7 fall detection as they still depend on human care givers to monitor their patients
Many potential patient with fall possibilities don’t see the overall benefit of having an alert system for first aid responder. We should angle it to be an insurance methodology towards the unwanted incident (a fall), which reaches out for help when needed, whilst enjoying the freedom and independence and enjoying their golden years